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Global Search Configuration

While 2022 was about implementing an unparalleled network of sanctions restricting trade, 2023 is going to be defined by an increasingly aggressive enforcement regime. Western governments are seeking to close off loopholes and make examples of those who have continued to skirt restrictions. 

The dark fleet - a network of tankers operating solely in sanctioned trades - is one such method being used to skirt the aforementioned restrictions. You can find more details of the rationale in our special report.

The US, EU and UK are targeting ship registries and dark-fleet hubs, including the UAE. The US have issued a very clear ultimatum: 'You can do business with us, or do business with those who facilitate Russia’s war. It’s time to decide'.

Download our special report for a comprehensive analysis of the dark fleet, and an updated view on what measures are being implemented to combat the rise in illicit activity.

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