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Global Search Configuration

Is your AIS data incomplete or unreliable? For many shipping professionals, this spells disaster with time and money wasted on poor conclusions and misallocation of resources. Today, we’ll share 7 tips to help bridge your maritime data gaps so you can boost efficiency for your fleets or vessels of interest.

1. Preventing manual collation

Using email and phone data to track vessel status just isn’t practical. There’s a lot of room for error, and miscommunication can cause timely and costly mistakes. Look for a solution where maritime data is provided in near real-time to enrich your operations.

2. Good data governance

Are you certain your database follows GDPR, IMO, ISO, ITPCO* and other standards? It’s important to manage your data effectively to ensure you won’t be fined and that your data is complete, relevant, and accurate. If you’re making decisions based on maritime data - you can’t afford to be complacent. You may want to conduct a data audit to see where your gaps are and what your risk profile is. 

3. Employing technology

Humans are an amazing resource. But you shouldn’t overlook the power and capabilities of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning. Not only can computers process more decisions per minute than a person ever could; they are also less prone to errors. This can help you more accurately predict the estimated times of arrivals, berthing and departure for your vessels of interest.

4. Unified view for decisions

If you have all the information you need in one place, you’re going to make better decisions. Collecting your maritime data - often days in advance - allows you to monitor arrivals, conduct research, keep an eye on competitors, plan your port strategy and look for new revenue channels. Find a partner that can give you a single point of view.

5. Leaning on experts

Do you recognise when others have the missing link in skills or technology that would revolutionise your business? Maritime data experts can help you understand where your holes are and plug them with smart, timely solutions that consider your market opportunities. They can help you map your risk and growth profile - scoping interventions   that will see you obtain a greater market share. 

6. Unifying data sources

You know that terrestrial receivers capture most AIS messages.  Then there are some deep-sea tracks and shipping lanes that communicate with satellites, shipborne receivers, or exclusive local agents instead. That’s why maritime data is so fragmented. And the outlook for the supply chain  is worrying, globally. If you can bring maritime data together, into a unified view, in as real-time as possible – you are unlocking the untapped potential of that data to streamline processes and drive incremental revenues.

7. Identify improvement areas

The most effective tip to help bridge maritime data gaps is just to never get complacent. There are always new data sources, technology and expertise that can help see your operation into the future. If you’d like to talk about the insights, you might be missing out on and how we can help you be more efficient and forward-thinking; get in touch today.