Amalie Korning Wedege
Global Head of Sanctions and Head of Financial Crime Compliance
Danske Bank
越来越多的黑暗舰队涉入到受制裁的能源大宗商品贸易中。他们不但声名狼藉,并且体量大增 —— 在过去12个月,有超过350艘油轮牵涉其中,超过总油轮吨位数的8%。
即将与您见面的Lloyd’s List 线上研讨会将为航运业展现最新的制裁风险视图,并邀请到一系列行业领先专家对于如何应对这场愈演愈烈的制裁危机并找到最佳的监管方案指明方向。
Amalie Korning Wedege
Global Head of Sanctions and Head of Financial Crime Compliance
Danske Bank
Michelle Wiese Bockmann
Markets editor and sanctions analyst
Lloyd’s List Intelligence
Claire Jungman
Chief of Staff of United Against Nuclear Iran
Dan Tadros
Chief Operating Officer,
Shipowners Claims Bureau, Inc.
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