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IUMI 2023 banner announcement


Your chance to learn more about the rise of the dark fleet while enjoying a dram! We’re delighted you’ve agreed to join us during IUMI 2023 and meet our Lloyd’s List analysts.

Please confirm your attendance and provide any allergy information we might need to know about. 


About the event

Lloyd's List Intelligence will be at IUMI 2023 (IUMI 2023 Edinburgh Conference) and would like to invite you to join us for a few pre-dinner drinks on Tuesday 19th September to meet Senior Analyst at Lloyd's List and 'Dark Fleet' expert, Michelle Wiese Bockmann and Lloyd’s List Insurance Editor Dave Osler.

From 6-7.30 pm we will be sampling some Scottish Whiskies just off the Royal Mile, giving you the opportunity to meet Michelle and David and ask questions following our talk on the Dark Fleet at the conference earlier in the day. Discuss how Lloyd's List conduct their investigations into the Dark Fleet and what this could mean for you as insurers while meeting fell delegates and Lloyd's List Intelligence customers.

Venue: Cannonball Restaurant and Bar, Edinburgh old town (approximately ten minutes walking from the conference centre)

356 Castlehill

Date: Tuesday 19th September

Timing: from 6pm - 7.30 pm

We will be serving a selection of whiskies and nibbles - non- alcoholic options will be available. Please confirm your attendance and let us know if you would prefer a non-alcoholic option.