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Global Search Configuration

Speak to us about your AIS needs


of the global commercial fleet tracked, 105,000+ vessels


ports covered


uptime across our network


of our AIS positions are from our owned terrestrial network

Maritime Data Cloud now available on Snowflake - rapid access to 3 trillion data points

What Is AIS+?

Image showing "Terrestrial Network, Satellites, Lloyd's Agency Network and Shipborne Receivers"

AIS+ is more than just raw AIS data – it’s the contextualised movements intelligence you need to make data-driven decisions for your business.

By combining satellite, ship-borne, terrestrial and human intelligence with our global, geospatial database we capture near-shore and off-shore vessel movements, overlaying unique AI models to provide pin-point accurate insight on historic, current, and predicted vessel movements.

AIS+ can be delivered via Snowflake, API or FTP, and can be taken as a one-off historic data cut, a real-time data feed, or a combination of the two.

Our data use cases

Our data is used by governments, shipping companies, commodities traders, marine insurers, financial institutions, maritime software companies, and more. Their use cases include:

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Vessel tracking for fleet management and voyage optimisation

vessel route and info

Predictive voyage and arrivals intelligence for commodities trading insight

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Port and berth level congestion and traffic insight for demurrage claims investigation

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Monitoring marine traffic across national and international lines

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Dynamic pricing model intelligence built on historic trade lane volumes and vessel movement trends

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Understanding vessel movements in relation to potential dark activities like STSs transfers and AIS gap history

A superior terrestrial network, owned and managed by us


We staff, manage, and maintain our own terrestrial AIS network covering 5,800+ ports, which provides more than 85% of all our unique AIS positions through our exclusive partnership with the Lloyd’s Agency Network.

Owning our own network means we can:

  • Prioritise coverage in key strategic locations and provide continually expanding coverage
  • Check, validate, and correct data at source, and continuously enhance our data and reduce false positives
  • Maintain a market-leading uptime in excess of 95%

Our geospatial database: the most accurate and granular ports data on the market


Our geospatial database the most structured and granular port database available. It uses a clear hierarchy of port locations and more intricate ‘polygons’ to provide complete coverage and unparalleled accuracy.

Our Geospatial database allows you to:

  • Maximise the value of AIS and vessel movements data
  • Develop systems that increase efficiency, reduce costs, boost functionality, and improve your ability to acquire and retain customers
  • Understand vessel movements covering global ports, sub-ports, terminals, berths and STS areas in unparalleled detail.
[We] compared the ETAs that carriers were sharing against the predictive ETAs that [Lloyd’s List Intelligence] had. [Lloyd’s List Intelligence] had 85-90% accuracy against what the carriers had.

Large manufacturer and Lloyd’s List Intelligence customer

Human validation of critical movements data


Our exclusive partnership with the Lloyd’s agency network provides a unique layer of human validation to our ports and positions data.

Our exclusive partnership means:

  • Insight and intelligence from over 250 Lloyd’s Agents, and a further 300 sub-agents in 170 countries
  • Our AIS network, hosted by the Lloyd’s Agents, is present in most of the world’s trading ports and in strategic and sensitive locations where other providers do not have access
  • We have an enhanced ability to detect AIS spoofing and other deceptive shipping practices thanks to real-life sightings and unrivalled station uptime
LLI has one of the most precise and accurate [terrestrial AIS networks], because they can benefit from a historical association with the Lloyd's agents network

Software provider to the maritime industry and Lloyd’s List Intelligence partner

Our data quality is governed by an ISO9001 - accredited framework ensuring: