Business challenges |
Our solutions |
Missing and inaccurate data |
Unmatched exclusive data |
No real time updates |
Increased operational efficiency with automated near real-time updates |
Poor data coverage |
Wide range of data available for data enrichment |
API timeouts |
A fast, efficient, and robust API service (99.9% uptime) |
Struggle to get data providers to speak to the systems |
Reduced vendor fragmentation through our breadth of data which is easy to integrate |
Lack of support infrastructure from data suppliers |
Supportive Data Services Team |
Non-standard delivery mechanisms |
Flexible data delivery mechanisms – API for near real time updates, FTP for bespoke cuts and one offs for large historical cuts |
Lack of transparency on data sources |
Easily able to explain how data is cleansed and managed as well as the sources |
We source, integrate, and enhance AIS messages, port data, vessel and behavioral data from our comprehensive terrestrial and satellite network, as well as exclusive Lloyd’s Agents. Fuel your efficiency, effectiveness to gain a competitive edge.
Our data can be seamlessly integrated into your systems and platforms via file transfer, data feed or API. Opt for an one-off download or receive updated data in any frequency you prefer. Get key insights with customisable data tailored for your business.
Automate KYC and customer risk assessment to speed up the screening process and mitigate potential risks
Achieve operational efficiency with predicted and updated ETAs to plan with confidence and avoid demurrage fines
Gain an advantage over competitors and increase trading opportunities
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